Importancia de la señalización de seguridad para la prevención de riesgos en el colegio fiscal mixto nocturno Ana Villamil Icaza
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
El tema nació como una necesidad imperiosa y claramente identificable en el COLEGIO FISCAL MIXTO NOCTURNO “ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA”, de la ciudad de Guayaquil, en virtud de la poca o casi nula presencia de elementos visuales que permita una correcta orientación a las diferentes áreas ubicadas en el Colegio antes mencionado. La comunicación visual referida específicamente a las necesidades que se presentó en el sitio, conllevó a un análisis de correspondencia basado en el aspecto gráfico y como tal el uso de la semiótica, que hace uso de la decodificación de elementos visuales. Al no existir en el colegio una comunicación eficaz y no contar con recurso gráficos, se presentó la necesidad de desarrollar una propuesta que permitió dar las facilidades a las autoridades, cuerpo docente, colaboradores administrativos, trabajadores, estudiantes, padres de familia y comunidad en general, de tener acceso a las instalaciones de la institución mediante una correcta comunicación visual con el uso de elementos gráficos, aspectos importantes en la optimización de tiempos y requerimientos de información con una correcta señalética. Se hizo el análisis del contexto del problema, así como causas y consecuencias del problema, se plantearon objetivos claros en la solución del problema así como su justificación. Se fundamentó en el aspecto teórico y todos los aspectos que sustentaron el proyecto. Se aplicó la metodología correspondiente y los métodos, se estableció la población y la aplicación del muestreo probabilístico. Mediante el cálculo de la muestra, se hizo el trabajo de campo donde se aplicó las técnicas y los instrumentos. Se realizó el análisis y la interpretación de los resultados con sus respectivas tablas, gráficas y discusión. Se diseñó y elaboró la propuesta que consistió en el DISEÑO E IMPLEMETACION DE SEÑALÉTICAS DE PREVENCIÓN PARA EL COLEGIO FISCAL MIXTO NOCTURNO “ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA”
This project started in consequence an imperious need and clearly identifiable at “ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA” FISCAL NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL in Guayaquil city, under a little bit or no presence of visual elements that allow a correct orientation to different areas located in the College aforementioned. The visual communication was referred specifically to the needs that were presented in the place, it led to a correspondence analysis based on the visual appearance and as such the use of semiotics, which makes use of visual elements decoding. In the absence at school effective communication and not having graphics resources, the need arose to develop a proposal that sought out the facilities to the authorities, faculty, administrative staff, workers, students, parents and all the community, to get access to the premises of the institution through proper visual communication with the use of graphic elements, important in optimizing timing and information requirements with principal aspects. It was made the right analysis of the problem context and the causes and consequences of the problem became clear objectives were raised in solving the problem and its justification. It was based on the theoretical aspect and all aspects that supported the project. The corresponding methodology and methods were applied, the population and probability sampling application were established. By calculating the sample, the field where the techniques and instruments were applied. It was made an analysis and interpretation of results with their respective tables, graphics and discussion took place. Beside this, it was designed and developed a proposal which consisted DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SIGNALING PREVENTION FOR "ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA" FISCAL NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL.
This project started in consequence an imperious need and clearly identifiable at “ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA” FISCAL NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL in Guayaquil city, under a little bit or no presence of visual elements that allow a correct orientation to different areas located in the College aforementioned. The visual communication was referred specifically to the needs that were presented in the place, it led to a correspondence analysis based on the visual appearance and as such the use of semiotics, which makes use of visual elements decoding. In the absence at school effective communication and not having graphics resources, the need arose to develop a proposal that sought out the facilities to the authorities, faculty, administrative staff, workers, students, parents and all the community, to get access to the premises of the institution through proper visual communication with the use of graphic elements, important in optimizing timing and information requirements with principal aspects. It was made the right analysis of the problem context and the causes and consequences of the problem became clear objectives were raised in solving the problem and its justification. It was based on the theoretical aspect and all aspects that supported the project. The corresponding methodology and methods were applied, the population and probability sampling application were established. By calculating the sample, the field where the techniques and instruments were applied. It was made an analysis and interpretation of results with their respective tables, graphics and discussion took place. Beside this, it was designed and developed a proposal which consisted DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SIGNALING PREVENTION FOR "ANA VILLAMIL ICAZA" FISCAL NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL.
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