Utilización del probiótico Lactobacillus acidophilus, como aditivo en la alimentación de cerdos lactantes
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
El presente trabajo se realizó en granjas porcinas de productores localizados en el cantón Milagro, provincia del Guayas, vía Milagro- Virgen de Fátima Km 6, sector El Paraíso, cuyo objetivo fue determinar el efecto de la utilización de probiótico Lactobacillus acidophilus en la dieta alimenticia de cerdos durante la fase de lactancia.
Se utilizaron 7 grupos: experimental y control cada grupo tuvo 10 animales lo que dio un total de 70 lechones, desde el segundo día de nacidos, hasta el destete normal a los 28 días de edad.
Los tratamientos experimentales fueron los siguientes: dos niveles de concentración de L. acidophillus, diluidos en leche pasteurizada a 34 °C y tres cantidades de suministro de la leche con lactobacilos, en dos tomas por día. Se utilizó L. acidophillus, con 50 millones de unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC), de la marca comercial FD-DVS nu-trish® LA-5®, de la firma comercializadora CHR-Hansen (2011).
El promedio final de ganancia diaria de peso fue mejor en los grupos experimentales frentes al control, grupo experimental 356.21 y grupo control 328.63.
La conversión alimenticia fue mejor en los grupos experimentales frente al grupo control, grupo experimental 3.67 y grupo control 3.92
En lo que se refiere al análisis económico se evaluaron los costos de producción, se la comparo con el precio del cerdo en pie y se estimó la relación costo – beneficio. Que fue de $ 1.91 el grupo experimental y de $ 1.79 el grupo control, estos datos se interpretan que por cada dólar que se invierte se gana 91 centavos en el grupo experimental y 79 centavos en el grupo control.
En la presente investigación, existen resultados favorables en el promedio de ganancia de peso para los animales que consumieron 7 mL de leche con 2.50 x 105 ppm de lactobacilos.
The present work was carried out in pig farms of producers located in the canton of Milagro, province of Guayas, via Milagro-Virgen de Fátima Km 6, sector El Paraíso, whose objective was to determine the effect of the use of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus in the diet Of pigs during the lactation phase. Seven groups were used: experimental and control each group had 10 animals which gave a total of 70 piglets from the second day of birth to normal weaning at 28 days of age. The experimental treatments were as follows: two levels of L. acidophillus concentration, diluted in pasteurized milk at 34 ° C and three amounts of milk supply with lactobacillus, in two intakes per day. L. acidophillus was used with 50 million colony forming units (CFU) under the tradename FD-DVS nu-trish® LA-5® from the trading company CHR-Hansen (2011). The final average daily gain weight was better in the control experimental groups, experimental group 356.21 and control group 328.63. The feed conversion was better in the experimental groups compared to the control group, experimental group 3.67 and control group 3.92 Regarding the economic analysis, the production costs were evaluated, compared with the price of the standing pig, and the cost - benefit ratio was estimated. That was $ 1.91 for the experimental group and $ 1.79 for the control group, these data are interpreted that for every dollar invested it earns 91 cents in the experimental group and 79 cents in the control group. In the present investigation, there are favorable results in the average gain of weight for the animals that consumed 7 mL of milk with 2.50 x 105 ppm of lactobacillus.
The present work was carried out in pig farms of producers located in the canton of Milagro, province of Guayas, via Milagro-Virgen de Fátima Km 6, sector El Paraíso, whose objective was to determine the effect of the use of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus in the diet Of pigs during the lactation phase. Seven groups were used: experimental and control each group had 10 animals which gave a total of 70 piglets from the second day of birth to normal weaning at 28 days of age. The experimental treatments were as follows: two levels of L. acidophillus concentration, diluted in pasteurized milk at 34 ° C and three amounts of milk supply with lactobacillus, in two intakes per day. L. acidophillus was used with 50 million colony forming units (CFU) under the tradename FD-DVS nu-trish® LA-5® from the trading company CHR-Hansen (2011). The final average daily gain weight was better in the control experimental groups, experimental group 356.21 and control group 328.63. The feed conversion was better in the experimental groups compared to the control group, experimental group 3.67 and control group 3.92 Regarding the economic analysis, the production costs were evaluated, compared with the price of the standing pig, and the cost - benefit ratio was estimated. That was $ 1.91 for the experimental group and $ 1.79 for the control group, these data are interpreted that for every dollar invested it earns 91 cents in the experimental group and 79 cents in the control group. In the present investigation, there are favorable results in the average gain of weight for the animals that consumed 7 mL of milk with 2.50 x 105 ppm of lactobacillus.
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