Deficiencia académica en el desarrollo del aprendizaje por la violencia intrafamiliar en los niños del Jardín Escuela Particular Mixta Tía Amparito de la parroquia Febres Cordero de la ciudad de Guayaquil 2015-2016
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El rendimiento académico expresa, en forma estimativa, lo que una persona ha
aprendido como resultado de un proceso de instrucción o formación. En este
sentido, la literatura existente señala diferentes tipos de maltrato que influyen en el
rendimiento escolar. El maltrato físico y emocional en el hogar ocasionado por
madres, padres o tutores a los niños, así como la frecuencia de la violencia está
asociado al rendimiento académico de los menores.
El objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en determinar la existencia de
maltrato escolar en este establecimiento formando una cadena que trasmita este
proyecto para erradicar el bajo rendimiento académico a causa de la violencia
familiar, con base a ello establecer si existe relación entre maltrato escolar y
rendimiento académico controlando algunas variables que han sido asociadas a
este último.
La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 30 niños hombres y mujeres
pertenecientes a diferentes estratos sociales y estudiantes del séptimo año de
Educación Básica en establecimientos públicos y privados de distintos distritos de
la Ciudad de Guayaquil. Todos los sujetos completaron nueve escalas que midieron,
entre otras variables, el maltrato escolar actual, así como algunos factores que
afectan el rendimiento y que fueron tomadas como variables de control en esta
investigación. Además, todos los sujetos completaron una prueba de rendimiento
académico del área de matemática.
Los resultados obtenidos indican que el 57% de los niños que participaron en esta
investigación reportaron haber sido emocional y físicamente maltratados por parte
de sus maestros en el mes anterior a la aplicación de la escala construida para el
efecto. Asimismo, los resultados señalan que algunas de las variables asociadas a
la violencia escolar son: el tipo de escuela público, privado, la prevalencia de
violencia entre iguales bullying y la práctica de un modelo autoritario de enseñanza
aprendizaje entre otras. Por otro lado, los estudiantes de colegios privados
mostraron un mejor rendimiento que los de establecimientos públicos, sin que ello
estuviera asociado a niveles significativamente menores de maltrato. El análisis de
los datos mostró entre las variables asociadas al rendimiento académico de los
sujetos bajo estudio, la autoconfianza, autoestima, el clima escolar y del aula y el
estatus socioeconómico de los estudiantes.
Academic performance expressed as estimate, what a person has learned as a result of a process of instruction or training. In this sense, the existing literature points to different types of abuse that influence school performance. Physical and emotional abuse at home caused by mothers, parents or guardians of children, as well as the frequency of violence is associated with academic performance of children. The aim of this research was to determine the existence of school bullying in this establishments forming a chain to transmit this project to eradicate underachievement because of domestic violence, based on this possible relationship between school bullying and performance academic controlling some variables that have been associated with the latter. The sample consisted of a total of 30 men and women, children belonging to different social strata and the seventh year of Basic Education of high school in public and private establishments in different districts of the city of Guayaquil. All nine subjects completed scales that measured, among other variables, the current school abuse as well as some factors that affect performance and were taken as control variables in this research. In addition, all subjects completed a test of academic achievement in the area of mathematics. The results indicate that 57% of children who participated in this study reported being emotionally and physically abused by their teachers in the prescale application built for the month effect. The results also indicate that some of the variables associated with school violence are: the type of school public, private, the prevalence of peer violence and bullying practice of an authoritarian model of learning among others. On the other hand, students in private schools showed better performance than those of public establishments, without this being associated with significantly lower levels of abuse. The analysis of the data showed among the variables associated with academic performance of subjects under study, self confidence, self esteem, school climate and classroom and socioeconomic status of students.
Academic performance expressed as estimate, what a person has learned as a result of a process of instruction or training. In this sense, the existing literature points to different types of abuse that influence school performance. Physical and emotional abuse at home caused by mothers, parents or guardians of children, as well as the frequency of violence is associated with academic performance of children. The aim of this research was to determine the existence of school bullying in this establishments forming a chain to transmit this project to eradicate underachievement because of domestic violence, based on this possible relationship between school bullying and performance academic controlling some variables that have been associated with the latter. The sample consisted of a total of 30 men and women, children belonging to different social strata and the seventh year of Basic Education of high school in public and private establishments in different districts of the city of Guayaquil. All nine subjects completed scales that measured, among other variables, the current school abuse as well as some factors that affect performance and were taken as control variables in this research. In addition, all subjects completed a test of academic achievement in the area of mathematics. The results indicate that 57% of children who participated in this study reported being emotionally and physically abused by their teachers in the prescale application built for the month effect. The results also indicate that some of the variables associated with school violence are: the type of school public, private, the prevalence of peer violence and bullying practice of an authoritarian model of learning among others. On the other hand, students in private schools showed better performance than those of public establishments, without this being associated with significantly lower levels of abuse. The analysis of the data showed among the variables associated with academic performance of subjects under study, self confidence, self esteem, school climate and classroom and socioeconomic status of students.
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