Campaña de masificación de la disciplina natación en las redes sociales, para personas con discapacidad en la Federación Deportiva del Guayas año 2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
La discapacidad es un término que define a personas con algún impedimento físico, mental o sensorial, la misma ha estado presente desde el inicio de la vida del ser humano, donde las primeras civilizaciones mostraron rechazo a aquellos individuos, porque lo confabulaban con castigos divinos, brujerías y otras supersticiones, es así como ha venido variando el comportamiento de la sociedad, asimilando con el pasar del tiempo la forma de pensar con respecto a la capacidad especial de las personas. Es por esta razón que actualmente existen diversos medios de inclusión para todas las personas con limitaciones, una de ellas es el deporte adaptado, la misma trata de acoplar o adaptar una disciplina a las deficiencias de la persona por lo general adoptando nuevas reglas o metodologías, el deporte adaptado tiene vigencia más de 100 años, nació en Europa, a consecuencia de mucha gente que quedo incapacitada de sus facultades físicas y sensoriales a causa de la segunda guerra mundial. El médico Ingles se dio cuenta que el deporte influía positivamente en los pacientes y al mismo tiempo lo reincorporaba a la sociedad, es entonces que decidió realizar los primeros juegos adaptados en silla de ruedas esto fue hincapié para que con el pasar del tiempo se realicen las Paralimpíadas, luego los Parapanamericanos y por último los Parasuramericanos. Actualmente en Guayaquil la Federación Deportiva del Guayas mantiene un proyecto de deporte adaptado, pero la problemática que existe es el poco conocimiento de estos planes por parte de la ciudadanía, por esta razón se realizó un estudio investigativo para poder solucionar dicho problema, donde se llegó a la conclusión de elaborar una campaña visual masiva informando el deporte adaptado en la disciplina de natación que presenta la (FDG) a través de las redes sociales más populares para que de esta manera los menores con discapacidades puedan acceder a estos beneficios.
Disability is a term that defines a person that has a physical, mental or sensory impediment which has been present since the beginning of humans. The first civilizations showed rejection towards these individuals, because they thought of it as witchcraft, divine punishment and other superstitions. Human behavior towards people with any kind of disability has evolved with time. This is why currently there are different programs that its main purpose is to include people with disability like Adapt Sport, which modifies its rules to fit the different types of needs. This type of sport has been around approximately 100 years, it was born in Europe after WWII where a lot of people lost some physical and sensorial abilities. An English doctor saw positive change in patients when they were exposed to exercise both physical and emotional, that is when he decided to do the first modified sports game on wheel chair. This helped launched Paralympics ´Games, Parapan Am Games and South American Parapan Am Games. Currently, Guayaquil holds a Modify Sports Project, but the lack of knowledge of the citizens about this new kind of sports represents a problem to keep progressing. For this reason a investigative study was conducted to help solve this problematic, where it was concluded to create a massive visual campaign which will inform people about Modify Sport in swimming via the different social media outlets. This way many children will have access to the different benefits.
Disability is a term that defines a person that has a physical, mental or sensory impediment which has been present since the beginning of humans. The first civilizations showed rejection towards these individuals, because they thought of it as witchcraft, divine punishment and other superstitions. Human behavior towards people with any kind of disability has evolved with time. This is why currently there are different programs that its main purpose is to include people with disability like Adapt Sport, which modifies its rules to fit the different types of needs. This type of sport has been around approximately 100 years, it was born in Europe after WWII where a lot of people lost some physical and sensorial abilities. An English doctor saw positive change in patients when they were exposed to exercise both physical and emotional, that is when he decided to do the first modified sports game on wheel chair. This helped launched Paralympics ´Games, Parapan Am Games and South American Parapan Am Games. Currently, Guayaquil holds a Modify Sports Project, but the lack of knowledge of the citizens about this new kind of sports represents a problem to keep progressing. For this reason a investigative study was conducted to help solve this problematic, where it was concluded to create a massive visual campaign which will inform people about Modify Sport in swimming via the different social media outlets. This way many children will have access to the different benefits.
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