Determinación y origen de las alteraciones hidrotermales presentes en el Túnel de la Sociedad Primero de Mayo del Yacimiento aurífero de Bella Rica.
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El Yacimiento aurífero de Bella Rica se encuentra en la Parroquia Ponce Enríquez, Cantón Pucará, provincia del Azuay, al sur occidente de la Cordillera de los Andes, Ecuador. Regionalmente la geología está representada por varias unidades como son: Rocas metamórficas, Unidad Pallatanga, Unidad Yunguilla, Grupo Saraguro, Formación Las Tramas, Formación la Fortuna, Intrusiones y depósitos cuaternarios. El sector de estudio afloran rocas de tipo volcánico correspondientes a la Unidad Pallatanga, que viene a ser la roca encajante del Yacimiento. El análisis petrográfico de la roca de caja, realizado mediante la interpretación de 37 láminas delgadas, confirma que la roca encajante corresponde a la Unidad Pallatangay está compuesta puntualmente por Basaltos, lavas básicas Criptocristalinas. Microbrechas, Roca de Filón Magmático, Material Pelágico argiláceo, Diques Doleríticos y Brechas volcánicas. Mediante este mismo análisis se determinó que están presentes 4 tipos de alteraciones hidrotermales, Epidotización, Carbonatización, Silicificación y Cloritización, nombradas según la importancia de su zona. Esta alteraciones hidrotermales poseen halos prominentes y anchos, directamente relacionados con los filones centrales, con las brechosas y con fallas de dirección de inclinación 145°/90°. El origen de las alteraciones hidrotermales está relacionada a soluciones mineralizantes formadoras de yacimientos hidrotermales de carácter medotermal o epitermal.
The Site aureus Bella Rica is located in the Parish Ponce Enriquez, Canton Pucara, Azuay province, south west of the Andes, Ecuador. Regionally geology is represented by several units including: Metamorphic Rocks, Pallatanga Unit, Unit Yunguilla Saraguro Group, Training The Frames, Training Fortune, Intrusions and Quaternary deposits. The sector study of volcanic outcrops corresponding to Pallatanga Unit, which becomes Reservoir host rock. The petrographic analysis of country rock, made by interpreting thin 37 confirms that the host rock corresponds to the unit is made punctually Pallatangay basalts, basic lavas cryptocrystalline. Microbreccias, Magmatic Rock Reef, Pelagic Material argiláceo, doleritic dykes and volcanic gaps. Through this analysis it was determined that are present 4 types of hydrothermal alteration, epidotization, carbonatization, silicification and chloritization, named for the importance of their area. This hydrothermal alteration halos have prominent and wide, directly related to the central veins, with brecciated and faulted tilt steering 145 ° / 90 °. The origin of hydrothermal alteration is related to mineralizing solutions forming hydrothermal deposits or epithermal medotermal character.
The Site aureus Bella Rica is located in the Parish Ponce Enriquez, Canton Pucara, Azuay province, south west of the Andes, Ecuador. Regionally geology is represented by several units including: Metamorphic Rocks, Pallatanga Unit, Unit Yunguilla Saraguro Group, Training The Frames, Training Fortune, Intrusions and Quaternary deposits. The sector study of volcanic outcrops corresponding to Pallatanga Unit, which becomes Reservoir host rock. The petrographic analysis of country rock, made by interpreting thin 37 confirms that the host rock corresponds to the unit is made punctually Pallatangay basalts, basic lavas cryptocrystalline. Microbreccias, Magmatic Rock Reef, Pelagic Material argiláceo, doleritic dykes and volcanic gaps. Through this analysis it was determined that are present 4 types of hydrothermal alteration, epidotization, carbonatization, silicification and chloritization, named for the importance of their area. This hydrothermal alteration halos have prominent and wide, directly related to the central veins, with brecciated and faulted tilt steering 145 ° / 90 °. The origin of hydrothermal alteration is related to mineralizing solutions forming hydrothermal deposits or epithermal medotermal character.
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