Acompañamiento y consejería como base fundamental en valores dirigido a los estudiantes de primer semestre de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
El presente proyecto sobre el diseño y elaboración de una guía di-dáctica de índole formativa dirigida a jóvenes universitarios tiene como finalidad constituirse en un documento pedagógico que servirá como he-rramienta de apoyo al docente, para abordar temas relacionados a los valores en su formación profesional. Todo ello tomando en cuenta la inci-dencia y corresponsabilidad de educar para la vida y la convivencia. Es por ello que el objetivo principal reside en promover y fortalecer el proceso de crecimiento humano de los estudiantes de primer semestre de la carre-ra de Diseño Gráfico de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Univer-sidad de Guayaquil en valores éticos y morales a fin de rescatar las bue-nas costumbres, mejorar las relaciones interpersonales y consolidar de la cultura del buen vivir. Una educación equilibrada le permitirá al profesional desempeñarse luego con honestidad, respetabilidad tanto en las peque-ñas cosas así como en los ámbitos familiar, social y de trabajo. Se consi-dera necesario el tratamiento de este tema especialmente por dos razo-nes. Primero, como un principio ético que sabiamente expresara José Martí: "La educación, empieza con la vida y no acaba sino con la muerte", y segundo, porque la educación de valores no escapa a las exigencias del progreso tecnológico, al bienestar y al desarrollo ético, ya que de una convivencia cimentada en la verdad, la rectitud, la paz, el amor, y la no violencia representan una constante elevación de la calidad de vida real-mente humana. Este documento consta de las apreciaciones conclusivas al estudio, además de las recomendaciones suscitadas del trabajo reali-zado como aporte a la asunción y vivencia de los valores y principios no solo entre el estudiantado sino en consonancia con la comunidad educati-va y en su participación social. La guía en su fin último es propiciar entre quienes sean partícipes de la instrucción universitaria favorecer e incenti-var entre los dicentes el ser responsables de su propia educación así co-mo ser coherentes frentes las demandas de la sociedad del conocimiento y los desafíos que sobrevienen en nuestro siglo.
This project on the design and development of a methodological nature guide training aimed at young university aims to become a peda-gogical support document that will serve as a support tool for teachers, to address issues related to values in their professional training. All this tak-ing into account the impact and responsibility of educating for life and co-existence. That is why the main objective is to promote and strengthen the process of human growth in first half of students studying Graphic Design at the School of Communication at the University of Guayaquil in ethical and moral values in order to rescue good habits, improve relationships and strengthen the culture of good living. A balanced education will allow the professional then perform with honesty, respectability, both in small things as well as in family, social and work environments. The treatment of this issue is considered necessary especially for two reasons. First, as an ethical principle that wisely expressed José Martí: "Education begins with birth and ends only with death", and second, because values education does not escape the demands of technological progress, welfare and ethi-cal development as a coexistence grounded in truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are a constant improvement of the quality of human life really. This document consists of the conclusive findings to the study, in addition to the recommendations arising from work carried out as a contribution to the bearing and living the values and principles not only among students but in line with the educational community and social participation. The guide in its ultimate aim is to foster among those who may participate in university education promote and encourage among dicent being respon-sible for their own education and be consistent fronts the demands of the knowledge society and the challenges that come in our century.
This project on the design and development of a methodological nature guide training aimed at young university aims to become a peda-gogical support document that will serve as a support tool for teachers, to address issues related to values in their professional training. All this tak-ing into account the impact and responsibility of educating for life and co-existence. That is why the main objective is to promote and strengthen the process of human growth in first half of students studying Graphic Design at the School of Communication at the University of Guayaquil in ethical and moral values in order to rescue good habits, improve relationships and strengthen the culture of good living. A balanced education will allow the professional then perform with honesty, respectability, both in small things as well as in family, social and work environments. The treatment of this issue is considered necessary especially for two reasons. First, as an ethical principle that wisely expressed José Martí: "Education begins with birth and ends only with death", and second, because values education does not escape the demands of technological progress, welfare and ethi-cal development as a coexistence grounded in truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are a constant improvement of the quality of human life really. This document consists of the conclusive findings to the study, in addition to the recommendations arising from work carried out as a contribution to the bearing and living the values and principles not only among students but in line with the educational community and social participation. The guide in its ultimate aim is to foster among those who may participate in university education promote and encourage among dicent being respon-sible for their own education and be consistent fronts the demands of the knowledge society and the challenges that come in our century.
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