El consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas y estupefacientes, y su influencia en los estudiantes de 2do año de bachillerato de la unidad educativa Juan Bautista Aguirre del cantón Daule 2014
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
El presente estudio de investigación aporta a la falta información que tienen los jóvenes sobre las cusa del consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas y estupefacientes en los estudiantes de 2do año de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa “Juan Bautista Aguirre”, ubicado en el Cantón Daule, por medio de estudios, se establecerán las causas que influyen al consumo de drogas en la Unidad Educativa, la falta de recursos impide que se realicen campañas de prevención de consumo de drogas, por lo cual esta investigación también propone que los estudiantes se capaciten y se orienten para que tomen conciencia cuales son las consecuencias que genera el consumo de drogas, aunque el uso y consumo de éstas es una existencia que ha estado ligada a la historia de la humanidad desde sus orígenes y se la construye histórica, cultural y social por lo que es difícil lograr la disminución total, esta problemática no dependerá de un solo proyecto sino de varios para poder combatirla aunque no en su totalidad pero si un porcentaje que baje el índice de consumo. La investigación es científica ya que va dirigido a solucionar problemas, cualitativa ya que trata de forma directa con el estudiante, descriptiva estudia y analiza la realidad actual con el fin de establecer su estructura, Aplicada, porque modifica la realidad con una finalidad práctica, se determinó la población de la comunidad Educativa, la muestra se consideró de tipo no probabilística, en la aplicación de técnicas de la investigación se utilizó: la observación, la entrevista, la encuesta para justificar la propuesta de realizar la campaña gráfica con información y orientación dirigida a las autoridades, docentes, representantes legales y estudiantes para prevenir el consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas y estupefacientes.
This research study provides information that young people lack the strong wind on the consumption of psychotropic substances and narcotics students 2nd year Bachelor of Education Unit "Juan Bautista Aguirre", located in Canton Duale, through study, the factors that influence drug use in the educational unit will be established, lack of resources prevents campaigns to prevent drug use are made, so this research also proposes that students be trained and oriented to make them aware what the consequences that drug use, although the use and consumption of these is a life that has been linked to the history of humanity from its origins and the building historical, cultural and social so it is difficult to achieve the overall decline, this problem does not depend on a single project but several to fight but not in its entirety but a lower percentage rate of consumption. The research is scientific and which is aimed at solving problems, qualitative and dealing directly with the student, descriptive studies and analyzes the current situation in order to establish its structure, Applied, because it changes the reality with a practical purpose, determined the population of the educational community, the sample was considered non probabilistic type in the application of research techniques were used: observation, interview survey to justify the proposal for the print campaign with information and guidance to authorities, teachers, legal representatives and students to prevent the consumption of psychotropic and narcotic substances.
This research study provides information that young people lack the strong wind on the consumption of psychotropic substances and narcotics students 2nd year Bachelor of Education Unit "Juan Bautista Aguirre", located in Canton Duale, through study, the factors that influence drug use in the educational unit will be established, lack of resources prevents campaigns to prevent drug use are made, so this research also proposes that students be trained and oriented to make them aware what the consequences that drug use, although the use and consumption of these is a life that has been linked to the history of humanity from its origins and the building historical, cultural and social so it is difficult to achieve the overall decline, this problem does not depend on a single project but several to fight but not in its entirety but a lower percentage rate of consumption. The research is scientific and which is aimed at solving problems, qualitative and dealing directly with the student, descriptive studies and analyzes the current situation in order to establish its structure, Applied, because it changes the reality with a practical purpose, determined the population of the educational community, the sample was considered non probabilistic type in the application of research techniques were used: observation, interview survey to justify the proposal for the print campaign with information and guidance to authorities, teachers, legal representatives and students to prevent the consumption of psychotropic and narcotic substances.
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