Promoción de las actividades del Centro Ecuatoriano de Datos Marino Costeros en la formación integral del personal del Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social. Carrera de Ingienería en Diseño Gráfico.
El Centro Ecuatoriano de Datos Marinos Costeros como Repositorio Nacional del Estado Ecuatoriano, se convierte en enlace fundamental con la sociedad civil y las instituciones del estado que requieren dicha información almacenada en sus bases de datos, a fin de programar medidas preventivas y ejecutar medidas correctivas ante posibles emergencias de carácter natural u ocasionadas por la mano del hombre.El CENDO almacena y maneja la información generada por las diferentes instituciones que realizan investigación marina en Ecuador. Varias son las fuentes de información entre ellas la proveniente de instituciones públicas y privadas; incluyendo lo obtenido en buques extranjeros que ingresen a nuestras aguas jurisdiccionales. El objetivo es que toda persona que obtenga algún dato de buena calidad proveniente de las aguas ecuatorianas, bien sea dulce, salobre o salada, done voluntariamente su datos para que, por un lado sean resguardados en un centro destinado para ello y por otro, que sean empleados si el autor no los permite, en modelaje y simulación de procesos a gran escala que garantice la seguridad en la navegación, coadyuve a la seguridad integral de la nación y permita conocer de forma global las propiedades de los sistemas oceánicos de las aguas que pasan por nuestra zona costera. Con esta información el personal del CENDO generará productos oceanográficos que estarán a la disposición de la sociedad en general a través de la aplicación del concepto de OCEANOGRAFÍ A OPERACIONAL. Muchos son los organismos e instituciones con los que trabajan el CENDO en conjunto y es por ello que el CENDO a través del INOCAR mantiene diferentes alianzas estratégicas con diferentes instituciones. Finalmente ante lo importante de que un repositorio nacional de la magnitud del Centro Ecuatoriano de Datos Marino Costeros sea conocido por su función básica, objetivos y actividades, se hace imprescindible usar un medio de difusión al alcance de todos quienes están inmersos en el medio.
The Ecuadorian Centre of coastal marine data as a national repository of the Ecuadorian State becomes fundamental link with civil society and the institutions of the State requiring such information stored in its database, in order to set preventive measures and execute corrective measures possible emergencies of natural or nature caused by the hand of man. The CENDO stores and manages the information generated by the different institutions carrying out marine research in Ecuador. There are several sources of information including from public and private; including the proceeds on foreign ships entering our territorial waters. The goal is that any person who obtains any data of good quality from Ecuadorean waters, either fresh, brackish or salt, voluntarily donate their data so, hand they are sheltered in a Center intended for this purpose and on the other hand, are employees if the author does not allow them, in modeling and process simulation on a large scale to ensure the safety of navigation contributes to the integral security of the nation and let know the properties of oceanic systems of waters that pass through our coastal zone on a global basis. With this information the CENDO staff will generate oceanographic products that will be available to society in general through the application of the concept of operational Oceanographic to. Many are the agencies and institutions that altogether the CENDO works and for this reason the CENDO through INOCAR maintains different strategic alliances with different institutions. Finally before it important that a national repository of the magnitude of the Ecuadorian coastal marine data centre is known for its basic function, objectives and activities, it is essential to use a means of broadcasting within the reach of all who are caught in the Middle.
The Ecuadorian Centre of coastal marine data as a national repository of the Ecuadorian State becomes fundamental link with civil society and the institutions of the State requiring such information stored in its database, in order to set preventive measures and execute corrective measures possible emergencies of natural or nature caused by the hand of man. The CENDO stores and manages the information generated by the different institutions carrying out marine research in Ecuador. There are several sources of information including from public and private; including the proceeds on foreign ships entering our territorial waters. The goal is that any person who obtains any data of good quality from Ecuadorean waters, either fresh, brackish or salt, voluntarily donate their data so, hand they are sheltered in a Center intended for this purpose and on the other hand, are employees if the author does not allow them, in modeling and process simulation on a large scale to ensure the safety of navigation contributes to the integral security of the nation and let know the properties of oceanic systems of waters that pass through our coastal zone on a global basis. With this information the CENDO staff will generate oceanographic products that will be available to society in general through the application of the concept of operational Oceanographic to. Many are the agencies and institutions that altogether the CENDO works and for this reason the CENDO through INOCAR maintains different strategic alliances with different institutions. Finally before it important that a national repository of the magnitude of the Ecuadorian coastal marine data centre is known for its basic function, objectives and activities, it is essential to use a means of broadcasting within the reach of all who are caught in the Middle.
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