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En esta colección encontrará las ponencias, artículos, libros y capítulos publicados por los docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Guayaquil


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    Laboratorios de vida urbana: un enfoque de educación superior para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje sobre el desarrollo sostenible
    (Sustainability, 2023) Morales Vergara, Ivethyamel; Segalas, Jordi; Masseck, Torsten
    This study focuses on the use of urban living labs (ULLs) as a teaching and learning strategy toward education for sustainable development (ESD) in higher education institutions (HEIs). The article presents an exhaustive literature review on the ESD approach in HEIs, the conceptualization and understanding of ULLs, and the use of ULLs as learning environments. Several ULL case studies in HEIs that seek to foster ESD through innovation and experimentation in real-world settings are presented. Each case describes the type, approach, characteristics, results, limitations, and challenges in relation to sustainability. It highlights the need for HEIs to adapt to the ESD approach and become role models for sustainability. It is concluded that ULLs are closely related to ESD and the SDGs, provide a practical and applied learning environment for students, encourage the active participation of students in identifying and solving sustainability problems in their local community, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between students and academics from different disciplines. All in all, ULLs can be an effective teaching and learning strategy in HEIs toward ESD. In addition, the lack of specific empirical results on the evaluation of ULL as teaching and learning tools toward ESD in HEIs is highlighted, which justifies the need for further research in this field.
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    Panel prefabricado de guadua-acero-mortero microvibrado con ceniza de cáscara de arroz para vivienda de interés social.
    (2019) Almeida, Byron-Sebastián; Muscio, Eugenia; Iparreño, Lindthon; Anaya, Jesús
    Este estudio muestra un sistema constructivo alternativo para Vivienda de Interés Social (VIS). Su aplicación ha sido prevista para la ciudad de Guayaquil pero con potencial para ser replicada a nivel de la costa ecuatoriana con el objetivo de disminuir el déficit habitacional actual en el país. El resultado es un sistema prefabricado modular a base de una tipología de panel machihembra-do de 4cm de espesor, que combina las propiedades de la Guadua angustifolia kunth empleada como esterilla, con el mortero con Ceniza de Cáscara de Arroz reforzado con una malla electrosoldada de acero de 5.5 mm y 20 cm de separación. El mortero ha sido microvibrado en una mesa equipada con un motor de 3500 RPM y contrapeso excéntrico de 30 gr con el objetivo de mejorar la adherencia del mortero a la esterilla y evitar fisuras.
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    Geometries woven with bamboo fibers for their materialization as stable structures
    (Revista DYNA, 2020-02-21) Muscio, Eugenia; Almeida Chicaiza, Byron Sebastián; Anaya Díaz, Jesús
    The complexity of the elements that are superimposed in the materialization of an object or architecture formed by a network of fibers can be described in the systematic relationship between the following variables: Material - Cut - Network - Geometry/surface - Constructivity (physical-constructive factors). The materials are determined by their own characteristics of endurance and flexibility, which are directly linked to the structure of the final object. The reinforced surfaces with fibers obtained from the bamboo cuts provide different results depending on the species and the anatomical selection made from the cut (internal face, external face or both faces of the bamboo cane [1]). The density, quantity and type of vascular bundles (conductive tissues), parenchyma (storage) and fibers (supporting tissue) of bamboo, result in a certain mechanical strength [2]. The external part of the bamboo cane, as it has a greater quantity of fibers and greater density, increases its rigidity, unlike the inner face which works better in compression. The cuts give the option of different ways to use the material [3]. On the other hand, the weaves or interweaves made out of the cuts can be considered new patterns that have similarity to the weaves of nature, since in both cases there is an intrinsic geometric law. Geometries are determined by their own genesis and the manifestation of physical actions for their stability (lines of force) [4]. In this way a new "artificial" order of fibers is established, which is the interweaving, existing in all scales, always forming relations of stability among the parts.
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    Impacto del diseño arquitectónico y urbanístico en la calidad de vida en Guayaquil: casos parque Samanes y Malecón 2000
    (Universidad Tecnológica Intercontinental, 2024) Bermeo Rodríguez, Pamela del Cisne; Almeida Chicaiza, Byron Sebastián; Rivera Castro, Rosanna Elizabeth; Chara Moreira, Pedro Napoleón; Cedeño Salazar, Pedro Antonio
    El presente artículo de revisión documental es un primer acercamiento a un tema que busca analizar de qué manera el diseño arquitectónico y urbanístico en Guayaquil impacta la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, detallando beneficios y desafíos que estos proyectos pueden presentar. Se revisan casos específicos de proyectos arquitectónicos que han tenido un impacto positivo en la ciudad, evaluando aspectos como la funcionalidad, estética, sostenibilidad y accesibilidad. Para ilustrar el impacto del diseño arquitectónico en la calidad de vida en Guayaquil, se han seleccionado dos proyectos emblemáticos: Parque Samanes y el Malecón 2000. Estos proyectos representan una variedad de enfoques y soluciones arquitectónicas que han transformado diferentes áreas de la ciudad, mejorando significativamente la vida de sus residentes.
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    (Aval Acádemico de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 1986) Espinoza Ordóñez, Felipe