Odontología holística como modelo de salud bucal
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
El presente trabajo es para demostrar que actualmente, en la comunidad existen
otras formas de sanación o curación de las personas , y eso está relacionado con
la cultura sanitaria de nuestros pueblos, como son medicinas y terapias alternativas
reconocidas por el ministerio de Salud Pública, y es el momento de conocer estas
alternativas para la salud bucal. El tema seleccionado es la Odontología Holística
como un modelo de Salud Bucal complementaria a la Odontología Convencional,
se realiza un estudio descriptivo que tiene como fin describir la terapias y medicinas
alternativas utilizadas por la Odontología Holística complementando a los
procedimientos odontológicos que utilizan los profesionales, además se identifica
el perfil de los profesionales que conocen esta nueva corriente las fuentes de
información. La encuesta se realizó en una muestra aleatoria de 64 odontólogos
de los cuales el 95.3% conocía el concepto de la odontología holística, las fuentes
de información y capacitación que requieren los odontólogos son las conferencias,
en cuanto a que la universidad debería implementar estas terapias alternativas la
opción escogida por los encuestados el 71.6% creen que si se debería implementar,
en la última pregunta sobre si ha utilizado en algún momento las medicinas o
terapias alternativas el 87.5% mencionan que no han utilizado.
This paper is to show that currently, in other forms of healing or curing people community, and that is related to the health culture of our people, such as medicines and alternative therapies recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, and is the time to meet these alternatives to oral health. The selected theme is Holistic Dentistry as a model of complementary Oral Health conventional dentistry, a descriptive study that aims to describe the therapies and alternative medicines used by Holistic Dentistry complementing dental procedures that professionals use is made, as well the profile of professionals who know this new current sources of information identified. The survey was conducted on a random sample of 64 dentists of which 95.3% were aware of the concept of holistic dentistry, sources of information and training they require dentists are lectures, in that the university should implement these alternative therapies the option chosen by 71.6% respondents believe that if they should implement, in the last question on if you have used drugs at some point or alternative therapies 87.5% mentioned that they have not used.
This paper is to show that currently, in other forms of healing or curing people community, and that is related to the health culture of our people, such as medicines and alternative therapies recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, and is the time to meet these alternatives to oral health. The selected theme is Holistic Dentistry as a model of complementary Oral Health conventional dentistry, a descriptive study that aims to describe the therapies and alternative medicines used by Holistic Dentistry complementing dental procedures that professionals use is made, as well the profile of professionals who know this new current sources of information identified. The survey was conducted on a random sample of 64 dentists of which 95.3% were aware of the concept of holistic dentistry, sources of information and training they require dentists are lectures, in that the university should implement these alternative therapies the option chosen by 71.6% respondents believe that if they should implement, in the last question on if you have used drugs at some point or alternative therapies 87.5% mentioned that they have not used.
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