Análisis de la no revictimización de victimas de delitos sexuales , por los operadores de justicia en el Ecuador ( causa IP 124)
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Jurisprudencia Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
En el Ecuador en los últimos tiempos Las víctimas de Delitos Sexuales, son víctimas de un delito físico, sexual y psicológico, por lo que estas víctimas en el momento de presentar su denuncia ante una autoridad , llega ante la fiscalía de turno a presentar el agravio que acaba de vivir , por lo cual esto le surge una contradicción interna entre lo que denuncia siente y piensa , causándole una carga emocional psicológica con la que llegan ante el sistema judicial , La problemática esta latente , dentro de las dependencias judiciales , ya que el servicio ofrecido a las victimas no llega a cubrir las expectativas de las usuarias “ victimas” quienes tienen un mal sabor de boca sobre la atención que reciben sintiendo la revictimización , “por el mismo tipo de delito” , se pide una evolución constante entre los actores del sistema judicial para que mediante capacitaciones y concientización profesional y humana se pueda cambiar esta atención a las víctimas y erradicar la revictimización e implantar en todas las dependencias la NO REVICTIMIZACION .
In Ecuador in recent times Victims of Sexual Offenses, are victims of a physical, sexual and psychological crime, so that these victims at the time of filing their complaint with an authority, arrives before the prosecution on duty to file the grievance that he has just lived, so that an internal contradiction arises between what he denounces he feels and thinks, causing him an emotional psychological burden with which they arrive before the judicial system.The problem is latent, within the judicial dependencies, since the service offered to the victims does not meet the expectations of the “victims” users who have a bad taste in the mouth about the attention they receive feeling the revictimization, “for the same type of crime ”, a constant evolution is requested among the actors of the judicial system so that through training and internal human and professional conscience this attention can be changed to victims of NO REVICTIMIZATION.
In Ecuador in recent times Victims of Sexual Offenses, are victims of a physical, sexual and psychological crime, so that these victims at the time of filing their complaint with an authority, arrives before the prosecution on duty to file the grievance that he has just lived, so that an internal contradiction arises between what he denounces he feels and thinks, causing him an emotional psychological burden with which they arrive before the judicial system.The problem is latent, within the judicial dependencies, since the service offered to the victims does not meet the expectations of the “victims” users who have a bad taste in the mouth about the attention they receive feeling the revictimization, “for the same type of crime ”, a constant evolution is requested among the actors of the judicial system so that through training and internal human and professional conscience this attention can be changed to victims of NO REVICTIMIZATION.
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