Estado actual del tratamiento periodontal quirúrgico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La terapia quirúrgica periodontal implica todo procedimiento que modifique o
involucre los tejidos periodontales, necesarios para el restablecimiento y
mantenimiento del periodonto, sin olvidar que esta debe realizarse posterior a
una terapia periodontal básica donde no se hayan obtenido los resultados
deseados; emplea distintas técnicas quirúrgicas con el fin de cumplir con la
preservación a largo plazo del periodonto, actualmente existen métodos
correctores, reconstructores y regeneradores de las deformidades
mucogingivales o lesiones periodontales adecuadas al caso específico,
obteniendo la resolución de alteraciones gingivales u óseas mejorando la
estética. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es identificar las generalidades de
la terapia periodontal quirúrgica empleada en diferentes situaciones
odontológicas, la finalidad de la misma, los diferentes tipos de cirugías
empleadas y técnicas, la metodología utilizada es analítica –sintética e
histórica- lógica para obtener información y posteriormente analizarla, logrando
resultados veraces, detalla las estructuras anatómicas relacionadas, algunas
de las alteraciones gingivales y óseas, además técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas
para la resolución de problemas periodontales, entre otras cosas. En
conclusión actualmente la terapia periodontal quirúrgica más haya de crear
acceso a la superficie radicular afectada, brinda otros tipos de beneficios como
la reducción de las bolsas periodontales profundas, restablecer la armonía
mucogingival y ósea con el fin de detener la progresión de la enfermedad
periodontal o corregir alguna alteración del periodonto.
Periodontal surgical therapy involves any procedure that modifies or involves periodontal tissues, necessary for the restoration and maintenance of the periodontium, without forgetting that this should be done after a basic periodontal therapy where the desired results have not been obtained; uses different surgical techniques in order to comply with the long-term preservation of the periodontium, currently there are corrective methods, reconstructors and regenerators of mucogingival deformities or periodontal lesions appropriate to the specific case, obtaining the resolution of gingival or bone alterations improving aesthetics. One of the objectives of this work is to identify the generalities of surgical periodontal therapy used in different dental situations, its purpose, the different types of surgeries used and techniques, the methodology used is analytical –synthetic and historical- logical to obtain information and subsequently analyze it, achieving truthful results, it details the related anatomical structures, some of the gingival and bone alterations, as well as surgical techniques used to solve periodontal problems, among other things. In conclusion, currently surgical periodontal therapy has to create access to the affected root surface, provides other types of benefits such as the reduction of deep periodontal pockets, restoring mucogingival and bone harmony in order to stop the progression of periodontal disease or correct any alteration of the periodontium.
Periodontal surgical therapy involves any procedure that modifies or involves periodontal tissues, necessary for the restoration and maintenance of the periodontium, without forgetting that this should be done after a basic periodontal therapy where the desired results have not been obtained; uses different surgical techniques in order to comply with the long-term preservation of the periodontium, currently there are corrective methods, reconstructors and regenerators of mucogingival deformities or periodontal lesions appropriate to the specific case, obtaining the resolution of gingival or bone alterations improving aesthetics. One of the objectives of this work is to identify the generalities of surgical periodontal therapy used in different dental situations, its purpose, the different types of surgeries used and techniques, the methodology used is analytical –synthetic and historical- logical to obtain information and subsequently analyze it, achieving truthful results, it details the related anatomical structures, some of the gingival and bone alterations, as well as surgical techniques used to solve periodontal problems, among other things. In conclusion, currently surgical periodontal therapy has to create access to the affected root surface, provides other types of benefits such as the reduction of deep periodontal pockets, restoring mucogingival and bone harmony in order to stop the progression of periodontal disease or correct any alteration of the periodontium.
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