Mortalidad de vertebrados silvestres por atropellamiento en la ruta e40(Guayaquil-Guayas)
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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad de Guayaquil
Este trabajo evalúa la mortalidad de la fauna silvestre por efecto de la carretera E40 (Guayaquil-Guayas). Se registraron 260 animales atropellados, principalmente las especies Iguana iguana (Iguana verde común) y la Boa imperator (Matacaballo), perteneciente al grupo de los reptiles, seguido de las aves, con Crotophaga sulcirostris (Garrapatero piquiestriado) y Asio clamator (Búho listado) y los mamíferos con Didelphis marsupialis (Zarigueya común). El número de datos recolectados determino que en toda la carretera existe una tasa de atropellamiento de 0.096 Ind/Km/día; mientras que los resultados en el tramo uno y dos fueron de 2.98 y 4.88 Ind/km/día respectivamente. El número de atropellamiento no son similares en los tramos a pesar de que la vegetación es bosque seco, esto tal vez se deba a que en el primer tramo existen más urbanizaciones.
This work evaluates the mortality of wildlife due to the effect of the E40 highway (Guayaquil-Guayas). A total of 260 run over animals were recorded, mainly the Iguana iguana (Iguana) and the Boa imperator (Matacaballo) species, belonging to the reptile group, followed by birds, with Crotophaga sulcirostris (Groove-billed Ani) and Asio clamator (Striped Owl). and mammals with Didelphis marsupialis (Opossum). The number of data collected determined that there is a run over rate of 0.096 Ind/km/day on the entire highway; while the results in sections one and two were 2.98 and 4.88 Ind/km/day, respectively. The number of roadkill are different in each section despite the fact that the vegetation is dry forest; this may be due to the fact that in the first section there are more housing developments.
This work evaluates the mortality of wildlife due to the effect of the E40 highway (Guayaquil-Guayas). A total of 260 run over animals were recorded, mainly the Iguana iguana (Iguana) and the Boa imperator (Matacaballo) species, belonging to the reptile group, followed by birds, with Crotophaga sulcirostris (Groove-billed Ani) and Asio clamator (Striped Owl). and mammals with Didelphis marsupialis (Opossum). The number of data collected determined that there is a run over rate of 0.096 Ind/km/day on the entire highway; while the results in sections one and two were 2.98 and 4.88 Ind/km/day, respectively. The number of roadkill are different in each section despite the fact that the vegetation is dry forest; this may be due to the fact that in the first section there are more housing developments.
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