Las tecnologías en la calidad del desempeño escolar de la asignatura de ciencias naturales en los estudiantes de décimo año de básica, de la escuela de educación básica Ciudad de Ibarra zona 8, distrito 1, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, parroquia Ximena período lectivo 2015 – 2016.
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En el desarrollo de problemática nos dirigimos a la unidad educativa ciudad de Ibarra, donde se pudo evidenciar, de forma directa la poca utilización de tecnología, por el simple hecho que las computadoras son muy delicadas y que si alguien las daña las pagan, con ese comentario nos encontramos en dicha institución , sin embargo aplicando las enseñanza de los profesores de la carrera, se pudo buscar otra visión del camino que debería seguir la investigación, evaluado la problemita del curso seleccionado por su bajo rendimiento y la poca asistencia a los laboratorio tecnológicos, además hay más factores que influyen en el rendimiento como puede ser la mala alimentación, problemas intrafamiliares, la parte económica, con estado antecedentes podemos formular una idea del apoyo que pueden dar las tecnologías en la calidad del desempeño escolar, con estas interrogantes podemos dar inicio a mejorar la calidad del rendimiento, con esta variables podemos buscar una serie de herramientas flexibles en los aprendizajes de educación, y se debe acoplar los objetivos y llegar a una justificación del proyecto a resalirse en la institución es por eso que nos apoyamos en el marco teórico, donde se buscó información relevante de la investigación y poder dar mayor credibilidad a la investigación, pero al medir las estadísticas nos dio otro significado en la proyección de, formular la propuesta.
In the development of problems we went to the educational unit of Ibarra city, where it was possible to demonstrate, directly, the little use of technology, by the simple fact that computers are very delicate and that if someone damages them, they pay for it, with that We found ourselves in this institution, however applying the teaching of the professors of the race, we could look for another vision of the path that the research should follow, evaluated the problem of the selected course due to its low performance and the little assistance to the technological laboratories , in addition there are more factors that influence performance such as poor diet, intrafamilial problems, the economic part, with a previous history we can formulate an idea of the support that technologies can give in the quality of school performance, with these questions we can start to improve the quality of the performance, with this variables we can look for a series of herr flexible tools in the learning of education, and should fit the objectives and reach a justification of the project to be highlighted in the institution is why we rely on the theoretical framework, where we searched for relevant information of the research and to give greater credibility to research, but when measuring statistics gave us another meaning in the projection of, formulate the proposal.
In the development of problems we went to the educational unit of Ibarra city, where it was possible to demonstrate, directly, the little use of technology, by the simple fact that computers are very delicate and that if someone damages them, they pay for it, with that We found ourselves in this institution, however applying the teaching of the professors of the race, we could look for another vision of the path that the research should follow, evaluated the problem of the selected course due to its low performance and the little assistance to the technological laboratories , in addition there are more factors that influence performance such as poor diet, intrafamilial problems, the economic part, with a previous history we can formulate an idea of the support that technologies can give in the quality of school performance, with these questions we can start to improve the quality of the performance, with this variables we can look for a series of herr flexible tools in the learning of education, and should fit the objectives and reach a justification of the project to be highlighted in the institution is why we rely on the theoretical framework, where we searched for relevant information of the research and to give greater credibility to research, but when measuring statistics gave us another meaning in the projection of, formulate the proposal.
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