Bienestar Psicológico En Cuidadores Internos De Adultos Mayores Del Hogar San José
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Universidad de Guayaquil -Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
El Bienestar Psicológico en los cuidadores de adultos mayores, es un elemento de la subjetividad que se afecta por las diversas demandas; situaciones estresantes. El objetivo del trabajo fue conocer qué indicadores del bienestar psicológico en los cuidadores internos de adultos mayores de la casa hogar San José, se afectan para el cuidado de su salud integral. El método usado en el estudio es cualitativo con diseño de tipo estudio de caso, los participantes son cuatro cuidadores internos de adultos mayores. Las técnicas empleadas fueron: una entrevista de profundidad, grupo focal, una composición y la escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff. Los resultados de las dimensiones más afectadas fueron la autoaceptación, relaciones positivas y autonomía. En conclusión se evidenció que estos hallazgos enfatizan la complejidad de la experiencia de los cuidadores, destacando áreas vulnerables debido a las demandas laborales y desafíos en metas personales son recurrentes.
Psychological well-being in caregivers of older adults is an element of subjectivity that is affected by various demands and stressful situations. The objective of the work was to know which indicators of psychological well-being in the internal caregivers of older adults in the Hogar San José, are affected for the care of their integral health. The method used in the study is qualitative with a case study design, the participants are four internal caregivers of older adults. The techniques used were an in-depth interview, a focus group, a composition and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scale. The results of the most affected dimensions were self-acceptance, positive relationships and autonomy. In conclusion, it was evidenced that these findings emphasize the complexity of the caregivers' experience, highlighting vulnerable areas due to work demands and challenges in personal goals are recurrent
Psychological well-being in caregivers of older adults is an element of subjectivity that is affected by various demands and stressful situations. The objective of the work was to know which indicators of psychological well-being in the internal caregivers of older adults in the Hogar San José, are affected for the care of their integral health. The method used in the study is qualitative with a case study design, the participants are four internal caregivers of older adults. The techniques used were an in-depth interview, a focus group, a composition and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scale. The results of the most affected dimensions were self-acceptance, positive relationships and autonomy. In conclusion, it was evidenced that these findings emphasize the complexity of the caregivers' experience, highlighting vulnerable areas due to work demands and challenges in personal goals are recurrent
Palabras clave
Bienestar Psicológico, cuidadores, adulto mayor, autoaceptación, , autonomía