“Abandono Prematuro De La Lactancia Materna En Madres Adolescentes De 13-19 Años En El Área De Gineceo-Obstetricia En El Hospital General Docente Isidro Ayora En Septiembre Del 2016- Marzo 2017”
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Carrera de Enfermería
El presente trabajo de titulación se lo realizó con el propósito de implementar un programa educativo para evitar el abandono prematuro de la lactancia materna en madres adolescentes. Se captaron 80 madres adolescentes en el servicio de Gineco- Obstetricia del Hospital Isidro Ayora de Loja durante sus días de hospitalización en los cuales se pudo realizar la recolección de datos mediante la entrevista durante el primer mes postparto mientras que los siguientes meses se lo realizo vía telefónica. En un análisis se obtuvo que luego de los 6 meses de seguimiento, 47 de las 80 madres que escogimos en nuestra muestra, abandonaron la lactancia materna exclusiva por diferentes motivos. Se concluyó que se debe promover la lactancia materna exclusiva en madres adolescentes ya que desconocen sobre los beneficios y la importancia de la lactancia materna por cual los alimentan con leche de formula creyendo que tienen más nutrientes, algunas de estas, han tenido experiencias negativas al momento de amamantar a su hijo, en otros casos ya que no disponen del tiempo necesario o simplemente su embarazo no ha sido planificado, por lo cual, no le dan la atención correcta a sus hijos.
The present research work was realized with the purpose of implementing an educational program to avoid early withdrawal of breastfeeding in teen mothers. Eighty teen mothers were gathered in the OB/GYN area in the Hospital Isidro Ayora in Loja, during the first month of postpartum the data was collected through a face-to-face interview in the hospital and the following months the information was collected via telephone. In the analysis obtained after the first 6 months of follow-up, it showed that, 47 of the 80 mothers that we selected in our sample stopped breastfeeding their child for different reasons. It was concluded that breastfeeding should be encouraged in adolescent mothers because they don’t know about the benefits and importance of breastfeeding and they are feeding their babies with baby formula believing that it has more nutrients, some mothers have had negative experiences breastfeeding their child, in other cases, they don’t have the necessary time or their pregnancies were not planned, therefore, they don’t provide the correct attention to their children.
The present research work was realized with the purpose of implementing an educational program to avoid early withdrawal of breastfeeding in teen mothers. Eighty teen mothers were gathered in the OB/GYN area in the Hospital Isidro Ayora in Loja, during the first month of postpartum the data was collected through a face-to-face interview in the hospital and the following months the information was collected via telephone. In the analysis obtained after the first 6 months of follow-up, it showed that, 47 of the 80 mothers that we selected in our sample stopped breastfeeding their child for different reasons. It was concluded that breastfeeding should be encouraged in adolescent mothers because they don’t know about the benefits and importance of breastfeeding and they are feeding their babies with baby formula believing that it has more nutrients, some mothers have had negative experiences breastfeeding their child, in other cases, they don’t have the necessary time or their pregnancies were not planned, therefore, they don’t provide the correct attention to their children.
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