La formación de los centros de trabajo (fct) y su incidencia en el perfil academico de los estudiantes del terce año de bahcillerato del instituto tecnologico superior Simon Bolivar.

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UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL: Facultad De Filosofía,Letras Y Ciencias De La Educación
The malnutrition requires of a change of attitude and of behavior of the government organism to improve the quality of the students' feeding, for what should be political of state. The present investigation understands a study it affects the malnutrition in the learning of the Eighth Basic Year of the Particular School Eloy Velásquez Cevallos of what way, located in the neighborhood The Freedom of the Canton Santa Elena's Freedom County. In the Chapter I, is carried out the position of the problem, the problematic situation, causes and consequences, the delimitation, formulation and variables of the investigation problem. In the Chapter II, we find the theoretical Marco, the antecedent and their different foundations, besides the legal mark, the characterizations of the variables and the definition of the basic terms. In the Chapter III, the investigative methodology is presented that will apply, its population and sample, the investigation instruments, its analysis and interpretation of results, lastly its conclusions and recommendations. In the Chapter IV, the proposal of the project was applied with all the elements involved as they are: antecedents, justification, objectives, description of the proposal, execution and training of the educational one, vision, mission and political, beneficiaries, the social impact, you index and annexes.
The purpose of this thesis is getting a continuous program about the creation of Working Centers during the school year, and we get being in constant contact and communication with the enterprises, this is an important part of our program and help to get new jobs position for our students, this is a necessary condition to get the title of high school graduate. This subject is important because help in a easy and a fastly way to know the development of working centers and any person could understand it, fathers, students, teachers and community. Our Institution will improve in a whole way.
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