Incidencia de la gestión de formación profesional dual en el proceso de inseción laboral de los graduados en el instituto Superior Tecnológico Benjamin Rosales Pareja de la ciudad de guayaquil durante el periodo 20014-2015

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UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL: Facultad De Filosofía,Letras Y Ciencias De La Educación
Inherent in education and what is expected of it according to the new processes for quality improvement in the formative process research, stand out in general terms the importance acquired relevance as one of the main features to achieve more professional development. Within this context, we analyze what is the incidence of the graduate profile to improve the level of employment, especially in the tourism market which has had an upward trend during the last decade in Ecuador. For the investigation it was the methodology used was quantitative and qualitative, based on surveys and interviews to graduates and to employers in order to understand what is the perception and / or experience of the main actors involved in this sector. The results revealed shortcomings in the field of basic, generic and specific competences considered basic to the exercise of technical tasks and the same occupation. The findings identified the importance and necessity of proposing a Graduate Profile accordi
Among all the processes and training models, the dual education has shown internationally effectiveness in improving the level of employment. Whereas it has been a positive interaction between the government, private industry and higher education institutions. This research has been developed among the graduates of the School of Automotive Mechanics with Mention Diesel injection systems who are part of Benjamin Rosales Higher Technological Institute in relation to the incidence of Dual Vocational Training Management in the process of employment of who are part of the academic institution. For the development of this research has been necessary to use a qualitative and quantitative methodology. Sustained according to interviews with industry experts automotive and surveys graduates to be determined by analysis, need to implement a model for effective process management and process development relationship with society. Among the findings emphasizes the lack of policies and regulations that delineate the framework for action institutional and obvious need meet the requirements and demands achieving accreditation based on the principles of quality and relevance.
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