Autoestima En Adolescentes Frente Al Consumo De Drogas Y Conductas Violentas. Unidad Educativa Dra. Isabel Ramírez. Guayaquil

dc.contributor.authorVillón Cabello, Keico Silvana
dc.contributor.authorZumba Quezada, Vanessa Indira
dc.contributor.collaboratorFigueroa Pico, Cesar
dc.contributor.tutorAyala Loor, Esperanza
dc.description.abstractAntecedentes: La adolescencia es una etapa donde el amor propio que los adolescentes se tienen puede variar considerablemente debido a muchos factores inmersos en sus vidas y en los entornos en que desenvuelven. Objetivo: Determinar la autoestima de los adolescentes frente al consumo de drogas y conductas violentas. Método: Estudio etnográfico interpretativo sociocrítico con enfoque cualitativo, se aplicó entrevista a profundidad para recoger datos a través de grabaciones de audio. Resultados: El nivel de autoestima de jóvenes consumidores de drogas y comportamientos agresivos, esta mediada por supervivencia social, utilizándolo como estrategia de mecanismos de defensa ante la realidad que viven; la disfunción familiar expresada como rechazo al adolescente; la inestabilidad de la comunicación en el hogar; la sensación de desprotección y la respuesta violenta en el contexto académica provocada por hostigamiento y abuso de sus compañeros de aula, es el contenido del discurso de adolescentes Conclusión: El consumo de drogas, la aparición de conductas violentas, la baja autoestima, un entorno familiar disfuncional, el rechazo de pares, son factores concomitantes para un alto riesgo de comportamientos sociales negativos en adolescentes. Palabras claves: Autoestima, adolescentes, drogas, conductas violentas.es_ES
dc.description.abstractBackground: Adolescence is a stage in which the self-esteem that adolescents have can vary considerably due to many factors immersed in their lives and the environments in which it develops. It was possible to determine the self-esteem of young people against drug consumption and violent behavior, with a qualitative approach of socio-critical interpretative type, approached the students of an educational unit, selected the sample by key informants; The data were transcribed and then the categorization was done and, from this the results were obtained. It was related to the low self-esteem of adolescents with addictive and aggressive behaviors. The family dysfunction appears in all cases, it is the disintegration, rejection and lack of protection of their own parents that originated an instability and then to the rupture of the system in the home, provoking in the pubescent a lowering of his personal moment in which Are easily influenced by their peers to start drug consumption that functions as a momentary barrier to their reality as a means of translation towards what they really want. The academic dysfunction generated by the intimidation or harassment received by adolescents who are victims of abuse of their peers encourages the aggressors to use the blows as a weapon of social survival and defense mechanism before their social reality. Conclusion: Drug use, violent behavior, low self-esteem, a dysfunctional environment and peer rejection, the conditioning factors for a high risk of negative social behaviors in adolescents.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad de Guayaquil - Ciencias Médicas-Carrera de Enfermeríaes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Carrera de Enfermeríaes_ES
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBenf 963;
dc.titleAutoestima En Adolescentes Frente Al Consumo De Drogas Y Conductas Violentas. Unidad Educativa Dra. Isabel Ramírez. Guayaquiles_ES
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