Explorando El Comportamiento Y Análisis De Sentimientos De Los Emprendimientos Familiares Liderados Por Una Mujer Utilizando El Machine Learning
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Universidad de Guayaquil: Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
Los emprendimientos familiares liderados por mujeres, es una actividad que ha tomado fuerza en los últimos años. Ellas buscan aportar a sus familias un bienestar común, haciéndolos partícipes de sus negocios, delegando responsabilidades en la administración de los emprendimientos.
En esta investigación hemos constatado como es el comportamiento y como fluyen los sentimientos de las mujeres líderes frente a situaciones que involucren sus negocios y familias; tratando de buscar las mejores soluciones en beneficio de ambas partes.
El medio que se utilizó para obtener los resultados de esta investigación, fueron entrevistas a profundidad a los líderes de los emprendimientos, las cuales fueron transcritas y analizadas por medio del machine learning, utilizando el software de análisis cualitativo NVivo 12Plus.
Finalmente, se desarrolló esta investigación para obtener un enfoque diferente al análisis de los emprendimientos familiares desde el punto de vista de los comportamientos y los sentimientos que experimentan las mujeres lideresas en los emprendimientos
Family businesses led by women is an activity that has gained strength in recent years They seek to provide their families with a common welfare, making them participate in their businesses, delegating responsibilities in the administration of the enterprises. In this research we have verified how the behavior and feelings of women leaders flow in situations involving their businesses and families; trying to find the best solutions for the benefit of both sides. The means used to obtain the results of this research were in-depth interviews with the entrepreneurs' leaders, which were transcribed and analyzed through machine learning, using the qualitative analysis software NVivo 12Plus. Finally, this research was developed to obtain a different approach to the analysis of family businesses from the point of view of the behaviors and feelings experienced by women leaders in businesses
Family businesses led by women is an activity that has gained strength in recent years They seek to provide their families with a common welfare, making them participate in their businesses, delegating responsibilities in the administration of the enterprises. In this research we have verified how the behavior and feelings of women leaders flow in situations involving their businesses and families; trying to find the best solutions for the benefit of both sides. The means used to obtain the results of this research were in-depth interviews with the entrepreneurs' leaders, which were transcribed and analyzed through machine learning, using the qualitative analysis software NVivo 12Plus. Finally, this research was developed to obtain a different approach to the analysis of family businesses from the point of view of the behaviors and feelings experienced by women leaders in businesses
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