Influence of the sentences structure in the Simple Present to improve the Linguistic competence in writing activities in teaching the English language

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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
When it is about grammar, there are so many ways that teachers can approach it and have students relate to it, but starting with the basic tense it is the most appropriate way of doing so. Structure of a language is very important to learn it if students are to use it right and with confidence. It is a very unwanted burden to bear when it comes to grammar learning. It is undesirable even in students‘ first language (L1) now imagine how unattractive it is for students to learn it in a foreign language. Just like any other language in the world, English is also based in structure and it is the skeleton of its meaning and substance. English is a living language. However, its grammar and sentence structure will not change ever. It is established already in its form, so it is not changeable. The simple present tense is the first step in the tense realm. It is the basic sentence and the easiest one to learn because it can be related to the everyday things people do, the basic routines people do and general truths. Students can easily follow the structures in a simple present tense sentence because the first thing in the sentence can be the subject or the pronoun if the teacher uses that type of example. There are many ways to use the simple present tense like using imperatives and other structures. The simple present tense is the most used in language learning and the one that students can communicate with other students and peers. Students need to leave High School with an A1.1 level of proficiency according to the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) and that is a basic knowledge of the language that gives students the ability to introduce themselves and others, provide personal information about their home and belongings to people that know them as long as the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly.
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