Pulpectomía con pasta 3mix aplicada a un paciente pediátrico: reporte de caso clínico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
En esta investigación se presentan los resultados del tratamiento de una pieza dental decidua
con diagnóstico de pulpitis irreversible. El problema surgió en una paciente de 4 años, atendida en la
Clínica Integral de Odontopediatría de la Facultad Piloto de Odontología. El diagnóstico se trata de un
caso de pulpitis irreversible, se planificó el tratamiento de pulpectomía con pasta 3Mix al termino del
tratamiento no observaron reabsorciones anormales y, en semanas posteriores al tratamiento, se
evidenció una disminución del 60% del proceso infeccioso con ausencia de síntomas o patologías post-
tratamiento. Los resultados de este caso clínico permiten concluir que la pulpectomía con pasta 3Mix es
una opción terapéutica efectiva y accesible, que demuestra buenos resultados clínicos en el tratamiento
de piezas deciduas con pulpitis irreversible. Esta alternativa es efectiva en el tratamiento de infecciones
bacterianas permitiendo que la pieza dental recupere sus funciones normales en la cavidad bucal.
This investigation presents the results of the treatment of a deciduous tooth with a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis. The problem arose in a 4-year-old patient, attended at the Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Clinic of the Pilot School of Dentistry. The diagnosis is a case of irreversible pulpitis, pulpectomy treatment was planned with 3Mix paste, at the end of the treatment no abnormal resorptions were observed and, in weeks after the treatment, a 60% decrease of the infectious process was evidenced with absence of symptoms or post-treatment pathologies. The results of this clinical case allow us to conclude that pulpectomy with 3Mix paste is an effective and accessible therapeutic option that shows good clinical results in the treatment of deciduous teeth with irreversible pulpitis. This alternative is effective in the treatment of bacterial infections allowing the dental piece to recover its normal functions in the oral cavity.
This investigation presents the results of the treatment of a deciduous tooth with a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis. The problem arose in a 4-year-old patient, attended at the Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Clinic of the Pilot School of Dentistry. The diagnosis is a case of irreversible pulpitis, pulpectomy treatment was planned with 3Mix paste, at the end of the treatment no abnormal resorptions were observed and, in weeks after the treatment, a 60% decrease of the infectious process was evidenced with absence of symptoms or post-treatment pathologies. The results of this clinical case allow us to conclude that pulpectomy with 3Mix paste is an effective and accessible therapeutic option that shows good clinical results in the treatment of deciduous teeth with irreversible pulpitis. This alternative is effective in the treatment of bacterial infections allowing the dental piece to recover its normal functions in the oral cavity.
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